Q & A Monday: Uniquely You

Happy Monday, y'all!
Not too much to report on the weekend.  We attempted to go out Saturday to celebrate my beautiful sister-in-law's birthday, but I wasn't feeling well.  We had to call it an early night.  I did a lot of resting on Sunday, watching Downton Abbey and snuggling with chihuahuas.  Towards the evening, I felt well enough to vacuum, do some laundry, and clean up my dressing room.

This weekend also brought premieres of a lot of our favorite shows, like Fringe, Blue Bloods, Dexter, Homeland, and Revenge.

It is time again for Friend Makin' Monday.  If you have a blog, I would like to invite you to answer the questions as well.  Leave me a comment here, so I know you are playing.  Then you can also leave a comment over at All The Weigh, so other folks can check out your answers as well.  It is a fun way to connect to other bloggers.

 Uniquely You

1. Do you prefer to talk or text?
It depends on the circumstances and who it it is really.  It is a lot more convenient for me to reply or send texts during the day for little things.  I am a bit long-winded at times, so I love to send emails.  All that being said, I love the face-to-face connection of chatting with my friends.  It is very therapeutic to converse with people you love and who love you, even if you are just talking about silly things.

2. How often do you make your bed?
Every day.  I feel so much more organized and together when the bed is made and the room looks nice.

3. What sounds do you hear right now?
I'm watching Season 2 of Downton Abbey and occasionally a fur kid will bark.

4. List three things that you always carry with you.
Altoids, lip gloss, and anti-bacterial gel.

5. What are your favorite TV shows?
Parks and Rec, The Office, Blue Bloods, Dexter, Homeland, Revenge, Walking Dead, Drop Dead Diva, Destination Truth, Fringe, Grimm, True Blood, Big Bang Theory, Daily Show...I'm sure there are more. lol

6. Is there a hobby that you’d like to devote more time to? If so, what is it?
I would really love to devote more time to crafting.  I have a room full of project supplies and lots of other projects I want to do.  I need to set aside at least one day a week to just work on craft projects.  Currently, I have lots of hair barrettes to make.  I also have this idea of a mixed media canvas art piece I want to do.

7. What is your favorite drink?
Water, Sweet Tea, and Caramel Lattes. Oh and Mango Mojitos at our favorite Thai place.

8. Share a couple of cool facts about your family.
I don't really know what would qualify as "cool" facts.  I've never really thought of my family as "cool", just extremely dysfunctional.  I don't know that I have any real answer for this.  We moved around a lot when I was a kid.  It wasn't cool then, but I feel lucky to have seen so much of the country at a young age.  It made me less ignorant than my peers.

9. List one thing that you will do for yourself today.
If I can get this ding dang grocery list and two week dinner menu made, I can work out on the elliptical and watch more Downton Abbey.

10. Share something that you’re thankful for today.
I'm thankful for my sweet husband who loves me just as I am and never makes me feel "less than."

Alright, get to it and answer these on your own blog (or here in the comments).  Don't forget to link up with Kenlie as well.

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