Q & A Monday - Three Things

It is that time again for a bit of question and answer on this very gloomy Monday. (Gloomy as in the weather.  It is very grey, overcast, and rainy here today.)  As always, if you want to answer these on your own blog, make sure you leave a comment over at All The Weigh so others can check out your post. (And you can visit other blogs who are participating!)

FMM: Three Things

1. Three of your favorite movies:

- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
- Far and Away
- Steel Magnolias

2. Three of your favorite things to drink:

- Water (I drink it most often)
- Cherry Coke (Hardly ever have it, but I love it)
- Wine

3. Three of your favorite songs:

- Anything by NKOTB, Westlife, or the Backstreet Boys
- "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain
- "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham

4. Three people who have recently been a positive influence on your life (outside of your family):

- Jessica Kane.  Reading her blog has helped me start my own journey of self-acceptance.
- My friends (and family) for being a constant support, having my back, and picking me up when I am feeling down.
- Well, I can't think of a third.  #2 covers a lot of folks.  Since I can't mention family, I can't say my husband.  He's had a huge positive influence on my life for so many reasons. 

5. Three things you to do keep yourself entertained:

- I make up songs relating to chihuahuas
- I spend a lot of time online catching up with friends, reading blogs, etc.
- I watch Netflix or read 

6. Three things you’re attracted to in the opposite sex:

- Pretty eyes (I'm a sucker for blue eyes)
- A big brain
- A fantastic sense of humor 

7. Three things you love about yourself:

- I'm creative and intelligent.
- I have healthy hair.
- I've bettered myself beyond my upbringing.

8. The last three people who text messaged you:

- Mr. Diva (aka my husband)
- My friend Nigel
- My brother

9. Three things you’re looking forward to this week:

- Grocery shopping, so I can have salad for lunch again
- Playing video games and having a low-key weekend with the hubby
- Reading more of The Bloggess' book

10. Three wishes specifically for yourself…What are they? (Be selfish, and be honest.)

- To lose some weight in order to be more healthy.
- To work on my mental and emotional issues
- To work on my time management skills

11. Three of your favorite quotes:

- “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”~Ralph Waldo Emerson
-‎ "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt
- “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and to change the world.”—Harriet Tubman

12. Three of your biggest fears:

- Planes and plane crashes
- That my mom will never choose to fix herself so that we can have a relationship before it is too late
- That the people I love the most will leave me

13. Three of your favorite TV shows:

- Parks and Rec/The Office (I know it's 2 shows, but I love them both)
- The Daily Show
- Blue Bloods

14. Three of your favorite things to purchase when you’re shopping.

- Clothing and accessories
- Makeup
- Craft supplies

15. Three things that you enjoyed last week:

- Got to see some great friends!
- Hung out with the in-laws for Mother's Day
- Spent some birthday gift card money

16. Three things that you always have in your bag or close to you if you’re not a purse kind of person. 

- My digital camera
- Lipgloss
- Altoids

17. Three types of food that you wouldn’t want to give up.

- Pizza
- Ice Cream
- Cheese

18. Three things you do to enjoy burning calories:

- Do DVD workouts with the hubby
- Dance around the house
- Walk the dogs 

19.  Three things you dislike about blogging:

- I have had good experiences so far, but the potential possibility of some asshat making negative comments just because they are miserable people with nothing better to do.

- The amount of time it takes to get readers and readers who comment.  Sometimes I get frustrated because nobody comments.  I'd love to be able to talk back and forth with people and have more of an interaction with others through blogging.  It just takes a while...

- How easy it is to get caught in comparing your journey with someone else's journey to where it makes you doubt yourself.

20.  Three ways blogging has changed your life:

- It has helped me become more confident in myself.
- It has helped me get more inspired and been an outlet for my creativity.
- It has taught me more about who I am and what I want to stand for.

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions!  Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments, and have a happy Monday!

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