Welcome to the third installment of Sartorial Medley, a monthly fashion challenge hosted by myself and Aislynn of Couture for Curves. (Did you miss the January or February or March fun?) We welcome participation from anyone, regardless of your dress size. From now until the 25th, email me your photo and link to your blog post at diva@divinemrsdiva.com.
Now on to this month's theme: Skirts.
I have a few new skirts that I wanted to wear for this month's Sartorial Medley. Quite honestly, I wasn't sure what look I wanted to go for. Eventually, I decided on a casual, playful look that would still allow me to wear leggings since it has been pretty chilly lately.
The skirt is a little bit loose now and longer than the proportion I wanted with the leggings, so I pulled it up a little bit. Also, these LB tees are kind of long (which is usually great), but I needed the proportions to be just right. So i did what i never do - I tucked in my shirt! lol I added a coordinating light-weight scarf for extra color and glittery flats for fun and comfort.
Don't forget to take some pictures of you in your favorite skirt and email them to me to include in mine and Aislynn's posts!
Slub V-Neck Tee - Lane Bryant
Knit Flippy Skirt - Lane Bryant
Leggings - Fashion Bug (Similar)
Shoes - Fashion Bug, I think. I have had them a long time.
Scarf - Catherine's (a few years ago. They have great light-weight scarves.)
Aislynn of Couture for Curves |
Kelly of Loopier By The Minute |
This outfit greatly resembles my summer wardrobe (minus leggings)...I love the scarf, and I have at least 3 of those skirts. They're so comfy and exactly the right length. Love the color on you. Other good places for cheap lightweight scarves - Old Navy, Target, Ross, Marshall's, Kohl's.
ReplyDeleteI have a black sequin lightweight scarf I tried with this outfit. I got it at Kohl's and haven't worn it yet, but it was too thin and too snazzy for the rest of the ensemble. I do love the comfy skirt though. I need to size down if I get the pink one because this one is quite big for some reason. I can't wait til the weather gets nicer!
ReplyDeleteThose skirts do run big...I think all of mine are a 22/24. I wish they had some prints I liked this season. Then again, I have three of them already.
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite part of the outfit is the scarf, it's adorable and the colors are so flattering on you. Love leggings under skirts when it's too cold to go bare stemmed ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you! This scarf is probably my favorite one because I just love the colors so much.
ReplyDeleteI recognize that skirt and top because I just bought them, in those same exact colors! I also got a white tee and the same skirt in the neon, hot pink, deep purple tropical print. The skirts are so comfy. I've been wearing the tees tucked in with a fairly high waist on the skirt. I like the ombre scarf as a finishing touch to keep it from being too simple. :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat minds shop alike! I love that tropical print one you speak of. I have been debating on getting a few more. I need to size down though because this one is too big, I think. I will try the tucking in thing. I have been so against tucking things in on me, so I will step out of my comfy zone and try it.