Reader Appreciation Holiday Giveaway!

 Reader Appreciation Holiday Giveaway -

Happy Holidays to all my awesome readers/blog friends out in the world!  I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate your love and support, understanding and thoughtfulness, comments and likes, and conversing with you all via social media.

I wish I could pass out gifts to all of you, but that would require me to build a workshop, hire some magic reindeer, and find a man who looks good in a red suit to deliver said gifts via a magic sleigh.  Tall order!   Nevertheless, I wanted to give a small gift of my appreciation to one lucky reader, so I've put together a little gift box of some of my favorite things.

Read on for a look at what is in the gift box and enter to win!

This post is not sponsored by anyone.  I bought all of these things myself to include in this box.  I tried to come up with some nice little tokens of love that would work for everyone.  I hope that whoever wins really enjoys it!

 Reader Appreciation Holiday Giveaway -

Items Included:

I tried to choose some great neutral shades I thought would work for everyone.  Y'all know how much I love Colourpop!  The shades I chose for this gift box are Puppy Love, a pale pinky peach with a golden sheen (great for inner corner highlights and a soft candlelit glow); Catnap, a rose gold with pink and silver glitter; Supermodel, a pearlized soft golden shade; DGAF, a medium rusty brown with gold glitter; and Nillionaire, a metallic bronze with pink and gold glitter.  All proceeds from Puppy Love and Catnap go to Best Friends Animal Society, which is another reason I included them.

The NYX roll on shimmer in nude is a pretty, sparkly eyeshadow that is easily applied with the roll-on applicator.  It wears well dry or wet.  The Revlon Balm Stain is one of my all-time favorite lip products and the color Sweetheart is my most worn shade.  It lasts all day long!  The Real Techniques brush is great for applying setting powder under the eyes or applying highlighter.  The Colourpop shader brush is not available online yet, but is one of the first brushes the company has introduced to use in conjunction with their shadows.

 Reader Appreciation Holiday Giveaway -
 Reader Appreciation Holiday Giveaway -

A bubble necklace is one of my favorite types of necklaces to wear for a pop of color and fun. I believe I have at least eight of them in a variety of shades.  The Keychain HAES Kit is a coin purse filled with lots of body positivity in the form of stickers and cards. HAES stands for Health At Every Size and is a reminder that your body is something beautiful to care for no matter what it may look like.  You are more than your appearance and your worth and value as a human being is not based on your appearance, weight, or body.  I like to hand them out to friends and include them in gifts or leave them in places where people need to see the message.  Of course, you can keep them for yourself and leave positive messages all around you.

So, how do you win?  All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post telling me three things you are grateful for this year. Enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter widget and I will randomly select a winner on Christmas Day!  Good luck, everybody!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am thankful for...

    1. My job, it keeps me sain and I can help out financially.

    2. My husband who is my rock and pushes me to better myself.

    3. My fuzzy jammies! Without them my lazy days would mean much less.

  2. I am thankful for...

    1. My health, which is improved since the beginning of the year due to a new gym regimen and lots of time and attention to eating.

    2. My job, which is also an improvement since the beginning of the year. I now give and receive respect equally rather than being bullied and insulted constantly.

    3. My friends and family. My family is dwindling away much too quickly but I'm glad to still have the ones I have, and I'm happy to have some great friends who keep me on the straight and narrow and inspire me to be the best. Erosion of myself.

  3. I'm thankful for my family and friends. Also thankful for my health after having a cancer scare this year and also thankful for my God who is always with me no matter what happens in life.

  4. I'm thankful for my kids, I'm thankful for a roof over my head, and food in our house , at this time of our struggle do to health of my child, but I'm thankful I have I the support of some of my family. With out them Idk know were we be..
