Q & A Monday: Easy Answers

Hey, y'all!!  I hope everyone had a super weekend!  Ours was crazy busy.  I don't think we have much free time between now and the end of August.

After a lovely 4th of July with friends, we have been packing boxes all weekend.  We were able to get quite a good chunk of things packed up: all pictures, knick knacks, artwork, all cookbooks, more books, all of the dining room, half of the linen closet, etc. etc.  We feel pretty productive.

Sunday, we packed a few boxes, washed dishes, did laundry, and cleaned the house.  The husband and I (and my good friend Michelle) are headed on a three-day road trip this week to see New Kids On The Block on The Package Tour.  We leave Tuesday, so my mother-in-law is coming over to stay and watch the furkids.  I am super excited for this trip because we always have fun on our New Kids adventures, but I have so many things on my brain.

Tomorrow, we meet the seller of the house we are buying.  She's supposed to show us how to take care of the beautifully landscaped yard.  I'm pretty nervous to meet her because she hasn't exactly been very helpful or made any compromises in the whole back and forth thing.  I don't want her to be bitchy.  And I don't want her to decide she suddenly doesn't want to sell the house to us.  That is my main fear. 

If everything goes as scheduled, we will be closing on the house NEXT Monday!  I decided on paint colors this weekend and we emailed a moving company to schedule a moving day.

It is time again for Friend Makin' Monday.  If you have a blog, I would like to invite you to answer the questions as well.  Leave me a comment here, so I know you are playing.  Then you can also leave a comment over at All The Weigh, so other folks can check out your answers as well.  It is a fun way to connect to other bloggers.

Easy Answers

1.  Are you a planner, or do you prefer to see where the moment takes you?  
I'm definitely a planner.  I like to know what is happening and what to expect.  I certainly don't make minute by minute itineraries, but I like basic guidelines of the day.  For instance, today I already made up all the maps (we don't have a GPS) for our road trip this week, complete with places to stop for coffee and side stops to stretch our legs.  I have a folder with all my maps, confirmation orders, concert tickets, and passports in it and ready to go.

2.  How often do you blog?  
I try to do it as often as I can Monday through Friday.  Sometimes I may post twice a week and sometimes it may be every day.  I'm trying to get better at planning things out and setting things up ahead of time.  It has been tough finding that balance of life priorities, fun time, and blogging (which is also fun, but it takes a lot of time).

3.  Do you color your hair?  
I do.  I have been coloring it ever since I was 14 when I saw Claire Danes as Angela Chase dye her hair "Crimson Glow".  :-)

4. If you had to choose between running or riding a bike, which one would you choose? 
I'd choose a bike, I suppose.  I don't do running, unless a zombie is chasing me.

5.  Have you ever traveled outside of your home country?  
Yessiree!  And I am about to again this week.

6.  Do you like weddings?  
They can be fun....I LOVED my wedding and have been to a few others that were super fun.  I guess since planning my own wedding, I pay attention to a lot of other details that most guests may not think of. 

7.  What is your favorite guilty pleasure on TV? 
I still watch Bridezillas.  I think every bride and groom on the show are so horrid and/or stupid, but I just keep watching it. lol  They are just such horrendous people.  Although, I DO get being mad about people not RSVPing.  I had issues with that when I was a bride. lol

8.  Are you good at math?  
I'm pretty good with basics and some algebra and the like.  But let's just say that my calculus class my junior year of high school was NOT my favorite class. 

9.  What is the last movie you watched?  
During dinner yesterday, we watched Contraband (the one with Marky Mark).

10.  Share five adjectives that your friends would use to describe you. 
Creative, Kind, Sassy, Silly, and Funny.

Bonus:  Did you celebrate Independence Day?  If so, what did you do? 
Yep, we went over to the house of friends and hung out, ate tasty food, and watched some fireworks.  It was a fun evening. :-)

Now get crackin'!  And remember to link up!  I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!


  1. At least the seller is willing to spend the time to show you what's up in the yard, so even if she's a little cranky, it's still a nice gesture. Who knows why she's actually selling - it could be a divorce, or something along those lines, and she may be pissy about fixing things because her ex won't pay his half, etc. Fingers crossed! :)

  2. I agree. I don't know her situation, so I am trying to go into it just being polite and not feeling negative at all. And I definitely appreciate her showing us how to take care of things. We never expected that to happen. I just worry too much. I try to think about every possible scenario to prepare myself, so I sometimes get paranoid. lol

  3. Really enjoyed reading your answers - I can tell I'm going to enjoy your blog, too!


    Lyda Ann

  4. Have fun at NKOTB! It sounds like you've seen them before. I saw them a few years ago when they were on tour with BSB. I love that they keep touring with similar nostaligic bands.
