Another Monday is upon us and, unfortunately, this one isn't a holiday. Sean took a day off on Friday so we could plow through our house-related chores. This was the only weekend in the foreseeable future that we had nothing planned outside of the house.
We managed to get quite a bit done, though there are still a zillion things on the list. We organized a bit more of the kitchen and cleaned off some areas of the counter. Getting the garage a bit more organized and cleaned up also helped a ton. Now there are large piles for Goodwill and garbage and for possibly selling online. We put together some furniture pieces, put up the curtain sliders in my dressing room, installed a latch on the front door, installed some sensors for the alarm, and took a tour of the backyard to plan a few yard chores out.
Sean changed the flushing mechanism in his toilet, shortened the cabinet above the fridge, and put the bottom back on the cabinet. We were able to move the bigger fridge his mom gave us into the house and that has been AWESOME. It is so nice having a bigger, more modern fridge in the house. I think it makes the whole kitchen look better too. We also started on building a crafting desk area for me in the craft room.
I hope all of you had marvelous weekends and are rested and ready for the week!
It is time again for Friend Makin' Monday. If you have a blog, I would like to invite you to answer the questions as well. Leave me a comment here, so I know you are playing. Then you can also leave a comment over at All The Weigh, so other folks can check out your answers as well. It is a fun way to connect to other bloggers.
Getting To Know Each Other
1. What is your favorite flower?
Peonies are my favorite. I love how big and fluffy and feminine they look, plus they smell great!
2. What is a date on the calendar that you’re looking forward to?
Hmmmm, maybe Bunco at the end of the month because it is the first time we will be hosting a gathering at our newly acquired house. Also, it means that things should mostly be unpacked and in their place by then. I can't wait!
3. List at least five characteristics of your ideal mate.
Intelligent, loyal, patient, funny, and sweet. :-)
4. What is your favorite travel destination?
There are many, many places I have yet to go, but so far my favorites have been Hawaii and Victoria, BC. I also love Seattle and Savannah.
5. What is your idea of the perfect date?
I have fun doing pretty much anything with my husband. We even have fun grocery shopping together. I'd love to go to an amusement park with him one day. That would be a fun date.
6. What is your relationship with your family like?
Broken. My dad died when I was 17. My mom told me, two years ago, that she didn't want to be my mom anymore since I have a mother-in-law now. My stepmom is a stepmonster. My brother is an arrogant male chauvinist pig who disowned me for being upset with him because he cheated on his wife and kids.
However, my stepdad and his wife are gems, as is my stepsister (whom I call my sister because I really kind of grew up with her and I love her dearly). I also am able to speak with my little sister regularly, though I wish we were closer. My grandmas and I stay in touch. My stepdad's family has always been welcoming to me, so I still have family in them and get to see them regularly as well. They are a fun bunch.
...and that is probably way more than you wanted to know about my relationship to my family. lol
7. What time did you wake up this morning?
9:30 or 10. The alarm was set to earlier so we could get house stuff done, but we didn't go to bed until 3-ish so we needed some extra sleep.
8. What characteristic do you like most about yourself? Which do you dislike most?
I'm intelligent, loyal, and creative. What I dislike most is my anxiety and that I sometimes trust people too readily.
9. What is your favorite sport to watch?
None. I am not a fan of watching sports at all. Even when I was kicking ass at Fantasy Football, I didn't like watching football.
10. Share a few interesting things that you did over the weekend.
We worked on various chores around the house (see intro paragraph) and we watched more Breaking Bad to try to catch up. We didn't even start watching that show until a few weeks ago, so we have made good time. I also downloaded some video games that were on super sale. I got Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, as well as SimCity 4. OH and we got Diablo 3 for the PS3 because they have couch co-op. I am excited about that!
I look forward to a productive week checking off my list of projects. I hope you all have a Happy Monday and great week ahead!
I miss hawaii. Been 13.5 years since luck took me there. Sorry to hear that your mom did not to be your mom. :(
I actually answered these today....
I'm glad you got some things done at the house, I know it's been stressing you. Do you know if you can play Diablo for PS3 w/ someone playing on a PC? Because I think I have it on PC, I got it free for being a WoW addict. I haven't played it, but I might if someone would with me. :)
It sounds like the house is coming along and that your husband is waaaaaay handier than mine! lol Another great set of questions this week. It's troubling to read about some of your family dynamics, but it sounds like you have a great community of friends and fellow gamers, and your readers makes for another supportive community in your life. :-) I don't even know what Bunco is but might have to look into it. We don't know a lot of people down here in Savannah, so I miss our old dinner parties and game nights. Hope your party at the end of the month is awesome and that your move-in goes speedily and smoothly!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I miss Hawaii too. We went for our honeymoon 5 years ago and haven't been able to take a vacation since. I think maybe another trip is due!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the game can cross platforms. :-( I wish it could, that would be awesome! I am so mad too because I can't get the Fallout games to work on my computer so I can try them out. It keeps crashing. ARG! I need to look up some mods or something.
ReplyDeleteHey Liz! Thank you! I am very thankful that I do have some really amazing and supportive people in my life, online and in person, that bring positivity to me. It definitely helps.
ReplyDeleteThe house is coming along. I am hoping we can start putting artwork up here and there soon. :-)
Bunco is so much fun! It may sound boring explaining it, but once you get into it (and maybe add some wine), it is super fun. We have 12 people in our group and we each take turns hosting throughout the year. Each person puts in $5 each month for prizes to be distributed. There are 3 tables of four people. Whoever you are sitting across from is your team member so you tally your points together. Anyway, there are 4 sessions of 6 rounds each. Each person takes a turn rolling 3 dice. So round 1, you are trying to roll ones. You get a point for each one you roll and points vary for rolling 3 of the same number in one throw. Everybody takes turns and whoever wins moves to another table. Round 2, you try to roll twos and so on. It can be pretty fast paced sometime. (and you have different partners each round.)
In our group, we have snacks each month which can be buffet style, but usually snacks are on each table with Table 1 being the most awesome table (so it usually gets fun size candy bars or something else people love the most) and Table 3 is the worst table so it gets a crappy snack. lol Then after 2 rounds of 1 through 6, we take an intermission to have dessert before finishing the rest of the game. Scores are tallied at the end of the night and the prize money varies per score.
That probably just sounds super confusing. It is a little more complicated to describe, but easy to get the hang of. It has been really fun to participate in and we are happy to at least get together with our friends once a month. :-)