It is time again for Friend Makin' Monday. If you have a blog, I would like to invite you to answer the questions as well. Leave me a comment here, so I know you are playing. Then you can also leave a comment over at Losing Weight and Having Fun, so other folks can check out your answers as well. It is a fun way to connect to other bloggers.
Holiday Traditions
1. Do you celebrate St Patrick’s Day?
I used to, but it has been a few years. In 2009, my older brother died (on the 16th) and it just hasn't been the same since then. I was looking forward to decorating the house and cooking an Irish dinner this year, but here I am all radioactive and stuff....
2. Which is your favorite holiday to celebrate?
I enjoy Halloween for all the fun and dressing up. I enjoy Christmas again because my husband's birthday is Christmas day. And I also look forward to Valentine's so I can make a gift for my husband and eat some tasty food.
3. Do you have a favorite ‘holiday’ food?
Pecan Pie, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, etc. etc. I love all the tasty comfort foods.
4. What do you think of holiday parades?
They can be fun. I don't usually watch them on television anymore because I don't like all the commentary and lip syncing. Plus, who the heck are the people?? I don't watch the Disney channel, so I don't know half the "celebrities" involved. I do like to go to the annual Gay Pride parade though.
5. Have you ever been part of a parade?
Yes. I might have been in some when I was a Girl Scout as a child. Then, when I worked at an old folks' home in our last town, I road on the facility bus with some of the residents and waved and threw candy to the crowd.
6. Do you decorate your house for the holidays?
We just bought a house this past July, but I was sick and awaiting surgery over the holidays and we didn't decorate outside. I did manage to decorate well inside right after Thanksgiving though, so we would have a festive holiday while I was recovering from surgery. I enjoy decorating for the holidays. I just hate taking it all down. I guess I find it harder to keep up with all the spring holidays.
7. Do you send holiday cards?
I do. My husband and I love to do fun, silly Christmas card photos. I don't typically send cards for other holidays, though I do get cards for my husband on occasion. Also, I try to send my sister a Halloween card because it is just something I do.
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8. Are there any holidays that you celebrate that are traditional in another country, but maybe less well known in the US?
It isn't a holiday, but my husband and I started including Krampus in more of our Christmas festivities because the idea of him cracks us up.
Hope you enjoyed this week's questions! Link up to participate or answer questions here! Have a great week!
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