Blog Activity, Day Two
Nine Things About Yourself
1. I have lived in 8 states and 15 cities. This most recent move is my 24th time moving in my life. I'm pretty sick of it. I've lived in Mississippi, Washington State, Kansas, California, Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, and Massachusetts. I went to three elementary schools, one middle school (thank goodness!), and three high schools. High school was the worst by far.
2. No matter how hard I try, I still can't whistle or blow bubblegum
3. I taught myself basic HTML
4. I can make any song into a song about chihuahuas. Yeah, it is kinda lame and embarrassing, but I love my dogs. They are my kids. During the day, I like to entertain them by making up songs, or song parodies, all about chihuahuas. It's quite fun.
5. The first time I left home, I moved 3000 miles away. It was a HUGE step for me and something I still feel was not only a great thing for me to do, but necessary as well. I moved to Boston to live with a couple of my friends. Since I was ten-years-old I wanted to go to Boston
6. I made (or personalized) almost everything for our wedding. My husband and I had almost two years from engagement to wedding day. I tried to spend my time ultra-wisely and planned SO much ahead of time. This included making so many things for the wedding. I designed and made all of our Save-The-Dates and wedding invitations. I designed monograms and logos, designed our programs, menus, and music playlists. I spent 14 hours gluing rhinestones onto a hoodie to spell out my married name to wear the morning of the wedding. I made my own jewelry, sewed the groom, bridesman, and ring bearer's vests and ties, made 300 tissue paper flowers for pom-poms
7. I didn't make a "B" on my report card until 7th grade. I cried for days. I always wanted to be the best at everything and excel at everything. I was really hard on myself and held myself to an impossibly high standard. That was my only "B" for a while, until I got to Chemistry in 9th or 10th grade. My chemistry teacher was more caught up in being "cool" (because her daughter was a cheerleader) than actually doing a good job at teaching. And once I started changing high schools, I got so depressed that I stopped caring about things like Physics and Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus. I still graduated in the top 7% of my class.
8. As much as I have traveled, I have still never been to Europe
9. I hate to pay full price for anything. I like to be frugal and I LOVE bargains and steals and deals (who doesn't right?). But it can be really hard for me to buy things that aren't on sale. I'd rather go online and look for it cheaper. lol And then sometimes I forget about shipping, so....Coupons are very good friends of mine.
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