Walks In Nature: New Year's Day

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

There are ways of being I've been trying to implement for years, but you are only truly ready once you're ready.  Our mindsets and states of being are constantly in flux.  We all go through different lessons and experiences that help us grow and change, sometimes in ways we never planned or thought possible.

But as I manage my mental health and give myself more room away from what I assume people expect of me, I make more time for what I want and what makes me happy and what feels aligned with me.  Maybe that way of being feels normal to you, but I've learned that my childhood trauma has had a tremendous effect on every part of my life; Living my life for others being one of those ways.  To just stop people pleasing feels incredibly scary because if I'm not of service to someone how will I keep them from abandoning me?

Change is uncomfortable and liberating.

All this to say, I'm looking forward to bringing you more posts about quiet days, more of my photography, more walks in the forest, and more art!  There will still be outfit photos, of course, because I still love clothes.  This all just means I'm putting less pressure on myself to "measure up" to other bloggers or influencers by just living and creating and sharing with you.  And hopefully, you want to stick around!

Today's post is a look at our impromptu walk in some local woods on New Year's Day.  Though it was cold, it was fresh and exhilarating to have a chance to be amongst nature.  We meandered around without the dogs and took lots of photos!  I could photograph moss, bark, ferns, ivy, and mushrooms ALL dang day!!

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com
Right away, I found this delightful teeny, tiny mushroom village and had to snap a photo!

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com
I've been giving myself permission to not wear makeup for running errands and walks, which I would have NEVER allowed a few years ago.
Granted there was a big wind storm that blew lots of stuff down over the weekend, but I felt like this carpet of branches was laid out by the faeries just for me.

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com
I have a photo of these ferns from a walk in the Fall when they were just wee babies.  I had to go back and visit.  A whole tree blew down over them during the storm.

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com
Sean looking cute in nature

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Walks in Vancouver: Forest-bathing to help my mental health and taking photos of nature as one of my favorite pasttimes - DivineMrsDiva.com

Do you have a favorite place for walks where you can watch the way the seasons change?

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